Deliver nonstop availability with no single point of failure.
RTI is the world’s largest DDS supplier and Connext is the most trusted software framework for critical systems.
From downloads to Hello World, we've got you covered. Find all of the tutorials, documentation, peer conversations and inspiration you need to get started using Connext today.
RTI provides a broad range of technical and high-level resources designed to assist in understanding industry applications, the RTI Connext product line and its underlying data-centric technology.
RTI is the infrastructure software company for smart-world systems. The company’s RTI Connext product is the world's leading software framework for intelligent distributed systems.
RTI software delivers the connectivity framework for safe, secure, reliable operations of complex, cooperative and autonomous robotics systems.
Robotics plays a central role across industries and in critical and life-saving innovations. Outages and downtime are unacceptable and must be avoided at every turn.
Deliver nonstop availability with no single point of failure.
Meet evolving requirements in a wide variety of use cases.
Seamlessly distribute data, allowing subsystems to work as one.
Provide fine-grained security and closed-loop control.
See the many applications where Connext delivers the solution for next-generation, production-ready robotics.
Learn more about the only framework that can meet both safety certification and security requirements of connected robotics.
Gain technical insights into the solution designed for the rigors of robotic systems production deployment and safety certification.
Industry leaders are selecting RTI as their trusted partner to meet the performance, reliability, scalability and security requirements that are critical to next-generation robotics. For more information or to get a free 30-day trial of RTI Connext, please contact
Autonomy is an evolving state. Six levels of autonomy are often used to describe how the human/robot interdependencies change as the level of autonomy increases. These levels have been applied to multiple industries - including automotive, medical, manufacturing, aerospace & defense and logistics — to describe this evolution, eliminate confusion and guide development of autonomous systems.
RTI provides the connectivity framework for production-ready, next generation robotics in each of these industries by enabling the development of data-centric, autonomous products and systems especially as complexity increases in the higher levels of autonomy.
To comply with the interoperability, security and scalability requirements of commercial deployments, Connext can be easily and fully integrated with Robot Operating System 2 (ROS 2) software, enabling all the development advantages of working within an environment built on the Data Distribution Service (DDS™) standard. As robotics applications scale, Connext enables real-world improvements in efficiency, productivity and reliability, as well as the ability to achieve production-grade deployment.
As an integrating technology, Connext expands the designer’s toolbox to include ROS 2, DDS, AUTOSAR, FACE™ and others. Connext can help users strengthen their systems and gain new capabilities, enabling users to pursue production-grade deployment of their designs in a variety of industries such as automotive, aerospace, medical, manufacturing, and more.
In tests and in real-world applications, Connext boasts a proven, mature design that delivers ROS 2 compatibility and can help achieve superior performance. Connext Tools and Services, such as Admin Console and Recording Service, respectively, bring exceptional power and value to each implementation. The merged ROS 2 and Connext ecosystem enables ROS 2 tools to work with native Connext applications, offering a hybrid system design approach that brings capabilities far beyond what ROS 2 alone can offer.
Learn about the Connext ROS Middleware Wrapper (RMW) that brings the field-proven, production-grade strength of RTI Connext to ROS 2.
Read about our RMW in the November 2020 article in The Robot Report.
Learn from a ROS 2 expert at RTI, how to overcome technical limitations using the framework on which ROS 2 is built — Electronic Design, Jan 2023
RTI Connext provides secure, real-time communication between complex system components and meets the demanding needs of highly-reliable, medical robotics applications.
RTI Connext meets advanced connectivity requirements for signals sent between the vast distances separating the space station, satellites and land- based devices.
Autonomous robots on the drill floor are transforming oil and gas exploration, replacing dangerous manual operations with a new interconnected system of advanced robotics and software. The robotic systems operate on real-time information to perform tasks in an autonomous, safe, repeatable and highly precise manner.
High-speed Autonomous Race
Indy Autonomous Challenge
RTI Connext provides race teams with rapid design-test iteration capabilities and is the only technology that can integrate AUTOSAR, ROS 2 and the advanced simulation and modeling capabilities from Ansys — at peak performance and reliability.
Human Robot Interaction Laboratory
European Space Agency
ESA uses Connext for communication and video to demonstrate long- distance object control from aboard the International Space Station (ISS).
Surgical Systems
DLR Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery Systems
The Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery (MIRS) system at DLR coordinates three robots to perform delicate heart surgery. The system closes a distributed loop between the robots and the remote surgeon's control at 3kHz.
Proven Readiness for High Performance Robotics
FMC Technologies Schilling Robotics
RTI Connext provides powerful interprocess communication and coordination functions in a networked, multi-OS software architecture that spans UI to realtime control.
Outer Space Human-to-Robot Communication
NASA relies on RTI Connext because of its inherent tolerance of time delay and loss of signal that occur with signals sent across the vast distances separating the space station, satellites and land-based devices.
Precision in Robotic Transport
MT Robot AG
RTI Connext manages data flows for the robots in motion reducing demands on customer networks, and enabling seamless integration with ERP and other software systems.
Underwater Connectivity
OpenROV leverages Connext to solve complex connectivity challenges in their drones while underwater in one of the world’s harshest and most unpredictable environments.
Underground Environments
CMU's DARPA SubT Challenge Team uses Connext as the connectivity framework to make coordinated, time-critical decisions in uncertain underground environments.