JADC2 and RTI Connext
Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) is a multibillion-dollar initiative from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to revitalize the military’s current command and control (C2) infrastructure.

Accelerate Decision-Making
Unite Joint Forces Networks
Respond to Evolving Threats
JADC2 aims to establish a combined, synergistic network of sensors and warfighters that enables collective, real-time decision-making, across all warfighting domains. To advance the principles of JADC2, RTI Connext enables:
- An integrated network providing sensor and target data from the tactical edge to C2 systems.
- Weapons resources to select the optimal weapon systems within hours, minutes, or potentially seconds.
- The ability to analyze the operating environment and issue commands more rapidly, significantly faster than the current multi-day process.
JADC2 will enable the Joint Force to share intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance data in real-time. JADC2 makes it possible to transmit across many network domains to enable faster decision-making using artificial intelligence algorithms that can identify targets, then recommend the optimal weapon—both kinetic and non-kinetic—to engage the target.

JADC2 and Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA)
Victory in conflict will in part be determined by our ability to rapidly share information across domains
All of these systems will be adopting a Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) standard to create a common data communications framework. RTI Connext is a TRL-9 connectivity framework based on the open DDSTM standard (managed by the Object Management Group® (OMG® )) that supports over 20 defense industry standards and works across many transports, including TDL, RF, TCP, UDP, InfiniBand, Underwater Sensor Network Transports, lossy satellite connections, and even shared memory or backplanes in a single computer.
MOSA has been defined as a warfighting imperative. Specifically, the original tri-service memorandum cites several existing interoperability standards “as vital to our success”. RTI Connext underpins several of these interoperability standards.
The Key to Success is Data-Centricity
To enable decision dominance at the speed of war, JADC2 systems must provide data to decision makers and decision-making Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) systems across different operational commands, from the tactical edge to the cloud. This aligns precisely with the DoD Data Strategy announced on September 30, 2020 that directs U.S. DoD leaders to evolve all DoD assets into data-centric assets that treat data as a weapon system.
USA DoD Data Strategy Report
Vision: “DoD is a data-centric organization that uses data at speed and scale for operational advantage and increased efficiency.”
Data centricity refers to a system architecture where data is the primary and permanent asset, and applications come and go. Instead of exchanging messages, software components communicate via shared data objects that appear to be local data. Applications directly read and write the value of these objects, which are cached in each participant.
RTI's IDIQ Awards
- In July 2022, RTI was awarded an IDIQ from the U.S. Air Force to support Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2).
- In January 2023, RTI was awarded an Architecture and Integration Directorate Multiple Award IDIQ contract (AFLCMC/XA).
RTI Connext is built upon a peer-to-peer, data-centric architecture that delivers critical real-time data to AI and ML at wire speed, without servers or brokers. Connext is loosely coupled with a network discovery capability, enabling a network component “plug-n-play” capability. This allows users to dynamically insert new capabilities into a network that can be automatically discovered by operations technology, without powering down their systems.
The seven goals of the DoD Data Strategy are to make data Visible, Accessible, Understandable, Linked, Trustworthy, Interoperable and Secure (VAULTIS).
The Connext architecture supports VAULTIS by design. Its application programming interfaces (APIs) drives access and visibility across multiple hardware and operating systems platforms in a consistent, understandable format; its Real-Time Publish/Subscribe (RTPS) wire protocol drives rapid and consistent interoperability; its open security capabilities enable trusted access across multiple security domains in real time.
Looking for more? Check these out:

Top 10 Data Requirements for JADC2
The data requirements guiding and refining successful JADC2 implementations.

A New Flight Plan:
RTI Drone Simulation
Multi-vendor interoperability between FACE, SOSA and DO-178 DAL A certification is possible.
Your Systems. Working as One.
RTI Connext provides data connectivity, extreme reliability and a scalable communications framework that integrates a wide range of sensor and mission data in a data-centric way and can be built and reconfigured dynamically in response to evolving threats.
Connext is:
- Designed from the ground up to meet the necessary interoperability and security requirements for cross-service, cross-supplier and cross-ally integration of a mission-critical, technology-driven operations environment.
- Ideal for integrating a wide range of disparate network systems, from the smallest sensor to the largest system-of-systems, which makes it a low-risk choice for integrating operations and control data for next-generation military network platforms like JADC2.
- Uniting Joint Forces networks to work reliably, even when those channels are disconnected, denied, intermittent, or have limited bandwidth.
- Providing the fault tolerance, resiliency and security that is required by mission-critical applications, supporting both legacy and future information data models.