#1 Software Framework for Autonomy
RTI Connext leads the transition to intelligent real-world systems, with over 2,000 designs across industries.
RTI is the world’s largest DDS supplier and Connext is the most trusted software framework for critical systems.
From downloads to Hello World, we've got you covered. Find all of the tutorials, documentation, peer conversations and inspiration you need to get started using Connext today.
RTI provides a broad range of technical and high-level resources designed to assist in understanding industry applications, the RTI Connext product line and its underlying data-centric technology.
RTI is the infrastructure software company for smart-world systems. The company’s RTI Connext product is the world's leading software framework for intelligent distributed systems.
RTI Connext leads the transition to intelligent real-world systems, with over 2,000 designs across industries.
RTI Connext supports a data-centric model that allows systems to be designed around the most important asset – data.
As a co-author of the DDSTM standard, RTI has over 20 years of experience helping global customers design the intelligent, distributed systems of the future.
RTI Connext, compliant with the DDS standard, is the first intelligent connectivity framework designed to develop demanding distributed systems.
For time- and mission-critical distributed systems
For software-defined vehicles
For FACE® conformant avionics systems
For ISO 26262 and DO-178C requirements
For resource-constrained systems
Across industries and across the world, companies rely on Connext to connect their mission-critical industrial systems, from autonomous vehicles to air traffic control, from medical to mining. See how Connext is used to transform connected operations in real-world applications.
Learn about the RTI Connext Product Suite and how to use our technology, including tutorials, videos, real-world use cases, and coding and configuration examples.
RTI Professional Services gives Connext users the support needed throughout the entire project lifecycle.
Real-Time Innovations (RTI) supplies the world’s number one software framework for autonomy, with over 2,000 designs. We lead the transition to intelligent real-world systems, the most important technology trend for the next decade and beyond.
Our RTI Connext software framework makes it possible to design and deploy intelligent real-world systems in demanding environments.
Today, AI is restricted to the cloud.