Optimizing Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE)
Combining DDS and SysML with RTI Connext and Dassault Systèmes Cameo / CATiA MagicDraw®

DDS and SysML are two integral standards that help engineers with the end-to-end design requirements for model-based system engineering (MBSE) of embedded and distributed applications. SysML defines the requirements of the system itself, while DDS addresses the communications requirements between system components running across different computers, including connectivity, security and Quality of Service (QoS).
Now, Dassault Cameo users can integrate RTI Connext systems with MBSE directly, thanks to Magic Real-Time Communication Designer, a software plugin available from Dassault Systèmes. It enables engineers to create model-based systems based on real-time communication flow across embedded and distributed systems.
Engineers can rapidly model the DDS-related aspects of their system using UML, extended by a DDS-specific profile, to gain a number of important advantages. The combination of Connext and CATiA MagicDraw means engineers can:
- Increase productivity by modeling the DDS-related aspects of a system using SysML extended by a DDS specific profile and generating the necessary DDS setup code in any of the supported Programming Languages.
- Produce a graphical, unified representation of the overall system, from requirements to functional applications, providing a common view of the system and a single source of (data) truth.
- Integrate directly with RTI System Designer to enable graphical design and configuration of all DDS aspects, including Domains, Types, Topics and QoS.
- Save time and effort by sticking with an already familiar modeling language.
- Display DDS entities and their relationships visually in a graphical notation.
For more information on how to increase productivity for your Cameo-based system, please contact your RTI representative or contact RTI at info@rti.com.