RTI Tools

RTI Launcher is a graphical application that allows you to install, configure and run RTI Connext components. Launcher is supported on all RTI Connext host platforms.
Launcher provides a convenient graphical interface to the configuration and run-time parameters, automatically detecting which RTI components are installed and enabling their launch buttons.
You can use Launcher to:
- Install new components or target platforms into the current Connext installation (and see what is already installed)
- Navigate to documentation and web-based resources
- Create new source code projects (via integration with rtiddsgen)
- Run all Connext tools and command-line utilities
Launcher is intended to be the “window” and “management console” for all your Connext products. Keep it handy and use it as the “launch” interface whenever you need to start any RTI tool or service.
In addition, you can customize Launcher to run any program installed in your system, such as third-party tools that work with Connext or commonly used editors.